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HMS Community is a registered charity and deductible gift recipient (DGR). All donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia.

We rely on fundraising to fund the running costs required to provide accessible healthcare. Help us to make a real difference in the lives of people in your community.


$100 - Funds a 1-hour Community Paramedic visit in someone’s home or community.

During this hour, our Paramedics will provide personalised healthcare tailored to individual needs. This will allow the person to feel safe in their home/community. Community Paramedics are able to consult with a HMS Nurse Practitioner if further escalation is required.

$50 - Funds a 30-minute Community Paramedic visit in the home or community.

$20 - Provides our Community Paramedics with medical equipment & consumables such as specialist wound dressings & PPE.

$5 - Every dollar makes an impact. Your contribution supports Community Paramedicine in Victoria.

Your generosity ensures that individuals who may have otherwise gone without care receive the health support they need safely in the comfort of their homes and communities. This preventative style of healthcare can help reduce the number of Australians who suffer from preventable health conditions.

HMS Community accepts donations through PAY ID - ABN 84 658 736 353

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